PWP reported about good practices to reduce food waste

The Hungarian pilot working platform (PWP) meeting was organised as a conference alongside the National Agriculture and Food Exhibition and Fair. The event took place in September 2017 and the main organizer was the Agricultural Marketing Agency. The primary objective of the event was to present professionally the development of advanced, efficient, environmentally conscious businesses, family farms, small and primary producers, and introduce their values ​​and results to the profession and to the general public. One of the main focus points of the event was the fight against food waste.

At the PWP meeting all actors of food supply chain represented themselves from producers to traders and to caterer and reported about their good practices to reduce food waste. After the welcome speech of the president of National Food Chain Safety Office (NFCSO), Marton Oravecz Dr., NFCSO's staff presented their new program called “Without Waste”, of which most important target is awareness. From the Ministry of Agriculture Marót Hibbey Dr. gave a lecture on the use of food surplus for animal feeding purposes.

There was a lively discourse during the breaks about the importance of food waste awareness and the possibilities of reducing waste. The corporate sector was represented by the Eisberg company, that sought to reduce the waste from the producers' side. From the NGO-participants Balázs Cseh, the president of Hungarian Food Bank Association delivered a presentation with the title ‘Delivery Food Surplus to Those in Need - Opportunities and Limits to Growth. There were also the three biggest food store chain in Hungary from the merchant side (Tesco, Auchan, Spar) who, in cooperation with HFBA, sought to create good practices for redistribution. The conference ended with a roundtable discussion.

As an additional connection to the topic, exhibitors had the opportunity to offer unsold, unopened, high quality and durable foods for charitable purposes at the end of the exhibition, which are received by families in need of help from the Hungarian Food Ban Association. During the action 1230 kg of food was donated by the companies to people in need.